About Us
Specialized Bag Manufacturer
Our company,
PT. Daesan Makmur Sentosa is established on 2022. Since then we have produced more than 400.000+ bags with 14 differents local and international brands. Our company holds more than 250 staffs which can produce more than 30.000+ bags monthly. Yes we are growing, and we do it steady and rapidly.
Vision and Mission
Our vision is to be a modernized company with a visioner mindset within the field of bag manufacturing. For that reason, our foremost mission is to be able to provide products and services with the upmost qualities so that it will satisfy our customer's need. In order to achieve that our mission also include modernizing and innovating the process of bag manufacturing. For this particular reason we will be able to create products that are export qualities that is supported by modern infrastructure. Thus, creating a more wider products and services that is supported by the most advanced technologies.
Mr. Shin Dong Myung (신동명)
Korean Expatriate that has 30+ years of experience
Mr. Shin has been working with big brands such as
Louis Vuitton, Channel, Gucci, and many more. Thus resulting wide knowledge and experience in creating bags.